Thursday, August 7, 2008


Our world is shrinking. Well, I suppose it isn’t physically shrinking, but it sure feels that way sometimes. There are more and more cars sharing the same roads, city planners are cramming new buildings into cities all the time, and the cities themselves are sprawling further outside of their borders. One place in particular that I’ve really noticed the overcrowding is at my office building. They recently reconstructed the cubicles in my area so they could squeeze more cubicles into the same space. They continually put shelves and filing cabinets and photocopiers in places that used to be walkways. There are days when I need to walk to the other end of our building for classes or meetings, and the hallways have become painfully narrow! Two people can not comfortably walk side-by-side and have a conversation. That’s the case in a lot of offices these days, and as we know, our world’s population is not about to plateau anytime soon. Enjoy the valuable wide open spaces and wilderness areas that we still have left in this bulging world. I hope they’ll be around for a long, long time!

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