Thursday, March 26, 2009

Getting Out of Touch

We have so many ways to stay in touch and check in with each other these days that it makes a person’s head spin. Email and cell phones have been revolutionary enhancements to our lives, and after all of these years it’s hard to imagine life without them. Add to that the many social networking sites, Twitter, instant messaging, GPS systems…and it starts to feel like we’re supposed to keep everyone constantly apprised of our every move and every thought in our heads. Maybe we’re going too far. Sometimes it’s refreshing to spend time alone; a good, healthy dose of escapism is good for the soul. It’s also good to be present with our friends when we are spending physical time with them, rather than allowing ourselves to be distracted by phone calls and other pulling and tugging from outside sources. Allow yourself to get out of touch every once in a while and reap the benefits of tuning out and focusing your attention on the present moment.

1 comment:

Marilyn Brant said...

My husband and I had a conversation about "power" once... It involved technology and how "powerful" people had lots of it at their disposal--a cell phone and/or BlackBerry and/or pager, etc. so they could be reached anywhere at anytime.

We kinda figured that the reverse was true, though--that true power would be more about having the freedom to NOT be reached. To be very selective, actually, about how available we are and to whom...

Hope you have a great weekend!